How OT's help
Whether you are enquiring on your own behalf, or for a family member, friend or client, we can help you plan the way forward. The frequency of falls can usually be reduced or even eliminated with even minor changes around the home, whilst mobility can be improved or stabilised with the right professional advice.
Some of the most common reasons we are approached for help with mobility and falls include:
- A one-off fall, or sequence of falls, occuring in the home or outside
- A gradual or sudden deterioration in mobility, possibly following a period in hospital
- Shortness of breath or excessive fatigue after walking short distances
Our sensitive assessment process can allow a specialist occupational therapist to identify any such problems, informing our recommendations and allowing us to plan a pathway to improved mobility and reduced risk of falling.
Our approach
Our aim is to provide flexible and practical solutions to maintaining and improving your mobility around the home and reducing the risk of falls. Our assessment may involve looking at:
- Mobility in and out of doors
- Physical stamina and health
- Your home environment, identifying trip hazards and likely points of injury
- Daily routines and activities
- Your goals for the future
Common recommendations
Some practical solutions to help reduce the risk of falls and maintain mobilty include:
- Our six-week Falls Prevention Programme, all conducted within the home
- Recommendations for home adaptations to reduce the risk of falls
- Advice on arranging your home to maximise safety and mobility
- An individualised, illustrated exercise programme to help increase strength, balance and flexibility
- Guidance and practical demonstrations to help you cope in the event that a fall does occur
- Advice to family and carers