How OT's help
Children and families with complex needs are rarely strangers to the world of assessments and advice. We aim to work alongside existing support services to ensure a holistic and rounded approach for the family. Whether a child is refered to us through a case manager, LEA, school, or a parent directly, our service is uniquely tailored to the needs of each family.
Some of the most common areas in which we assist children with complex needs include:
- Night-time positioning, comfy chairs and wheelchairs
- Splinting
- Sensory programmes
- Moving & handling
- Bathing equipment
- Adapted vehicles
- Housing adaptations and reviews
Our assessment process allows for a specialist occupational therapist to identify where a child's difficulties lie as well as the reasons for them. Once identified, we can work with you to put in place a plan to address them.
Our packages of care
We are flexible around the needs of each child and family, and have a variety of treatment packages to ensure we provide the right solution for you. All of our interventions are oriented towards ensuring that the child experiences measurable improvements.
- Our assessment package is a stand-alone service that allows us to identify all the areas we can assist with
- Our subsequent report will explain these in detail and provide a clear costing for each recommendation
- At this stage, some case managers or families will already be able to move forward independently
- Where a child is moving from another practice and their last OT report was completed within the previous 6 months, a shorter review normally allows us to build on previous interventions
- We also arrange quotations for home adaptations such as bathroom, sensory room or access adjustments
- Recommended equipment such as chairs, environmental controls or hoists can be given the necessary trials, as well as quotations for your approval
- We normally provide treatment in blocks of eight sessions to deliver sensory programmes or to work on other identified areas
How we help
Our assessments can examine all areas of a child's daily life, or focus on a specific area of concern.
Some of the most common areas we would expect to address include:
- The current home environment and its suitability for their current and future needs
- Moving & handling concerns of carers and family, such as how the child can best be helped to move between their bed, shower or wheelchair
- Postural positioning during the day and at night
- Access to hobbies and social activities
- Sensory needs and communication
- The needs and goals of the child, their family and carers