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Articles about

Fine motor skills

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Our Experts' Blog

Stepping stones to independence – Dressing skills

Dressing is a key step towards independence for children, involving complex motor and sensory skills. This article explores typical dressing development, practical tips for parents and carers, and how occupational therapy can support children facing dressing related challenges.

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Our Experts' Blog

The role of Occupational Therapy in Hand Trauma

Hand therapy is crucial for restoring function and improving quality of life for individuals recovering from hand injuries, as it addresses both the physical limitations and psychological impacts of trauma.

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Interested in Private Practice

Pocket Guide to Fine Motor Development in Early Years

Our Clinical Lead Emma shares with the paediatric OT community a helpful check list for fine motor skill development in 2-5 year olds. This provides useful guidance and example activity ideas that paediatric OTs can use to when observing children interacting with their environment.

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Our Experts' Blog

Developmental Delays in Children during Lockdown

Tina is an expert Paediatric Occupational Therapist, she specialises in Sensory Integration and over the last year has helped many children with developmental delays. In this article, Tina shares her experiences of delivering remote therapy and shifting her focus onto coaching parents and carers.

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Our news & press

Radio 5 Live interview with our Paediatric Client Manager: Handwriting

Is there a right and wrong way to hold a pencil? When Radio 5 Live presenters approached us to find out, our Paediatric Client Manager Sarah Stagg was only too pleased to explain.

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Our news & press

Our YouTube channel is live

We are delighted to announce the launch of our YouTube channel. The first videos are focused on our paediatric developmental services. Told through OT Practice Kids clients and their families, we explain our ethos for working with children is to focus on resolving their difficulties not their diagnosis.

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Our Experts' Blog

A journey to regaining hand function: Phil’s story

This case study follows the progress of Phil who experienced an extensive hand injury at work. It highlights the emotional, physical and practical consequences a client may experience when faced with hand trauma.

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Our Experts' Blog

A professional's guide to Hand Therapy

Helen Griffiths explains when a hand therapist referral might be appropriate and the process that they would go through. Clarifying when a hand therapist can help, she explains how advancing technologies have made splint provision easier in the community.

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