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Articles about

Developmental delay

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Our Experts' Blog

Developmental Delays in Children during Lockdown

Tina is an expert Paediatric Occupational Therapist, she specialises in Sensory Integration and over the last year has helped many children with developmental delays. In this article, Tina shares her experiences of delivering remote therapy and shifting her focus onto coaching parents and carers.

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Our Experts' Blog

How and when to source a children’s Occupational Therapist

Paediatric occupational therapy is a specialism of the profession where the OT is able to assess and treat the physical, mental and cognitive aspects of a child’s development. They look at the whole child to facilitate and support them and their family to achieve maximum independence and access the opportunities within the world around them.

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Our Experts' Blog

Case Study: Paediatric Moving & Handling

Jack experienced a brain injury at birth, resulting in complex physical and cognitive disabilities including wheelchair dependence. This case study highlights how an OT assessed his needs then trained his parents on correct moving and posture for Jack.

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