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Our Experts' Blog

A professional’s guide to functional rehabilitation

What is Functional Rehabilitation? In this guide, Rachael explains how a functional OT assessment, learning about a client's personal goals, and a realistic treatment plan, can help a client achieve their optimum level of participation in daily activities.

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Our Experts' Blog

Case Study: Functional rehabilitation

Following a car accident and resulting leg injuries, Wendy found simple household tasks challenging. Here we explore how Wendy and her OT undertook a functional OT assessment of her abilities, and found real-world solutions to help her increase her independence.

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Our Experts' Blog

FAQs for Case managers - Functional rehabilitation

Functional assessments require an OT to observe a client carrying out their everyday tasks, and discovering solutions to improving their quality of life. What is an activity analysis? How do compensatory and restorative methodologies differ, and what are their common outcomes? Let our expert OT answer your questions in our latest FAQ.

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