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Occupational Therapy in Private Practice: Inspiring Futures

We see that in independent private practice, every day presents an opportunity to “inspire futures” through meaningful occupational therapy interventions. Our theme for the Royal College of Occupational Therapists annual conference 2024 attempted to capture the spirit of innovation and potential, not only for therapists, but also for the people they work with.

Our sessions focused on challenging perceptions of private practice and exploring professional development opportunities for occupational therapists, suitable for any point in their career. We emphasised the diversity of cases and clients, offering therapists a chance to stretch their capabilities and realise their potential.

Inspiring futures for occupational therapists

Firstly, Louella Todd, one of The OT Practice associates, spoke about her diverse and extensive career and how, over the last two years whilst working with us, she transitioned full-time into independent practice. Louella has supported waiting list clearance initiatives, charity assessments, housing assessments and utilised her acute clinical skills in the hospital setting.

Louella explained how throughout her journey, she learned the importance of time management, enhanced her assessment report writing, and developed many new skills but recognised that it is quite an adjustment to a new way of working. Managing her own schedule and deadlines was challenging initially but rewarding, offering her the flexibility to balance professional and personal life.

Louella highlighted the significant role The OT Practice has played in her professional growth, offering diverse opportunities across various areas and client groups. This broad exposure has increased her confidence and helped her realise her potential. Louella’s top tip to other therapists considering private practice was “to believe in yourself”.

We also heard from, Sam Wade, our Paediatric Clinical Lead. Sam provided an enlightening overview of her extensive career in occupational therapy, with over two decades of experience across various settings, including the NHS, private practice, and special needs schools. She highlighted the practice’s dedication to delivering high-quality therapy interventions designed to maximise outcomes and empower clients. She also shared how she supports associates through regular online clinics and our bespoke learning platform to provide a rich learning environment for professional development.

Throughout the conference we had many discussions with engaging OT’s where we discussed the benefits of a portfolio career in OT, and how we offer practitioners opportunities for professional growth and autonomy while contributing to the public, private and charity sector. We were keen to promote the advantages of independent practice which include flexibility in organising your own time, greater professional autonomy, and the ability to innovate and deliver person-centred outcomes beyond traditional services.

Inspiring the futures of those we look after

Associate Sam Mayer spoke about her work in case management, and shared an inspiring story that illustrated the transformative impact of OT in private practice.

Sam shared how “Pete” required occupational therapy to facilitate his transition from living with his parents to living independently with 24/7 support. Sam described how, through comprehensive risk and functional assessments, Pete was able to achieve significant personal milestones in his everyday occupational roles, as well as the extraordinary goal of preparing to climb Mount Snowdon! Sam's work with Pete highlighted the collaborative efforts and personalised care integral to practice in the private sector and the role we have in enhancing independence.

Working with complex cases where individuals may have suffered significant personal injury, provides therapists with the opportunity to explore the scope of the OT role and often work towards goals they would not have traditionally been able to realise. Although often taking a therapist out of their comfort zone, OTs develop a sense of fulfilment, an innovative mindset and really have the opportunity to grow.

Independent Practice

Both sessions sparked lively discussions among attendees about the meaning of "going private" in independent practice. There was a strong interest in learning more about the sector and opportunities for professional growth. It was encouraging to see an acknowledgment that independent practice spans all healthcare sectors, not just self-funded individuals, which represent a small portion of The OT Practice's services.

Occupational therapy's strength lies in its diversity and the broad range of work OTs can undertake. Independent practice OTs are valuable partners for statutory services, helping to manage waiting lists and enhance professional skills. Many attendees, including our associates, shared how skills gained in private practice have benefited their roles in statutory services, positively impacting the entire healthcare system.

Starting in independent practice can be challenging, but The OT Practice is committed to supporting OTs to ensure their success, safety, and professional fulfilment.

To find out how The OT Practice could inspire your future contact our OT Network Manager, Leanne Flynn on or call her on 0330 024 9910.

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