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Bath, Avon


Occupational Therapy

Further qualifications



Occupational Therapy

Further qualifications



Occupational Therapy bsc

Specialist skills

DFG Assessments, Fatigue management, Routine planning, Daily living skills, Community access, Gross motor skills, Fine motor skills, Behaviour management, Co-ordination, Planning & execution, Self care, Social integration, School Based Therapy/Support, Wheelchair accreditation, Learning disability, Mental Health

Roxanne is an accomplished Occupational Therapist, specialising in Housing and Equipment, Moving and Handling, Functional Rehabilitation, and Paediatrics. Covering West and South West England, including Bath, Avon, Wiltshire, and Somerset, Roxanne supports clients across a broad spectrum of conditions. Her work encompasses individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Learning Difficulties, Mental Health Challenges, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and more.

Since qualifying from the University of the West of England in July 2013, Roxanne has developed a diverse portfolio of practice across private and statutory services, community health, social care, charities, and educational settings. Her in-depth knowledge and practical expertise allow her to conduct comprehensive assessments of environmental, sensory, physical, and functional needs, delivering tailored, person-centred solutions. These include the provision of specialist equipment, environmental adaptations, sensory interventions, and functional rehabilitation strategies.

Committed to professional excellence, Roxanne has undertaken advanced training in Ayres’ Sensory Integration, Theory, and Neuroscience, and actively participates in professional development through conferences, seminars, and regular supervision. She is passionate about empowering clients to achieve their goals, fostering independence, and ensuring her interventions enhance overall wellbeing and quality of life.

Roxanne is just one of our nationwide network of therapists.

Can we help?

Call us on 0330 024 9910 for a free consultation so we can find the the right therapist for you.

Problems we solve

We provide practical solutions to difficulties. Here we have selected some of the more common problems we see to illustrate how we can help.

See problems we solve

Specialist areas

Our OTs are experts in their field. Here we provide specific information about each of the eight specialist areas we cover and introduce you to some of our OTs.

See our specialist areas

Our approach

Our goal is to make our client independent of us as soon as possible, not dependant on us. Find out more about our approach to clinical care.

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