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London - South, Kent


Occupational Therapy

Regions covered

London, Kent, London - South

Further qualifications



Occupational Therapy

Regions covered

London, Kent, London - South

Further qualifications


Specialist skills

Blue Badges / Mobility Assessments, Community access, Fine motor skills, Handwriting assessment & treatment, Visual perception, Co-ordination, Self care, Anxiety management & relaxation

Catherine is a dedicated Occupational Therapist, specialising in Housing and Equipment, Functional Rehabilitation, Neurological Rehabilitation, Seating and Postural Management, and Moving and Handling. Covering London and Kent, Catherine brings extensive expertise to a wide range of conditions including Stroke, Falls, Frailty, and Orthopaedic cases. She graduated with a BSc in Occupational Therapy from Canterbury University, Kent, in 2014, and further enhanced her qualifications with Post Graduate Professional Development in Best Interest Assessor in 2023.

Over her career, Catherine has developed a robust skill set through her work in various settings such as busy hospitals, stroke units, trauma and orthopaedics departments, and with patients requiring complex discharge planning, including those with new amputations. She has effectively led and managed wards as the sole Occupational Therapist, demonstrating her ability to work under pressure and prioritise her caseload.

Catherine collaborates with multidisciplinary teams and builds productive relationships with staff and service users. Committed to patient-centred care, she employs evidence-based interventions and creates individualised treatment plans. She assesses patients’ cognitive abilities using standardised tools like the MoCA and non-standardised observational methods, ensuring tailored care that addresses their physical, psychological, and social needs.

Catherine is just one of our nationwide network of therapists.

Can we help?

Call us on 0330 024 9910 for a free consultation so we can find the the right therapist for you.

Problems we solve

We provide practical solutions to difficulties. Here we have selected some of the more common problems we see to illustrate how we can help.

See problems we solve

Specialist areas

Our OTs are experts in their field. Here we provide specific information about each of the eight specialist areas we cover and introduce you to some of our OTs.

See our specialist areas

Our approach

Our goal is to make our client independent of us as soon as possible, not dependant on us. Find out more about our approach to clinical care.

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